Thursday, July 28, 2011


Hello, readers (or, reader [singular]??)!  P I can't believe that I've joined the world of blogging!  So, in the tradition of my friend who helped me set up this blog (am I so old that I needed help?!), I will share with you a few things about me! :)

recently, i'm...

loving: SUMMER!  and the summer schedule--it rocks. :)

consumed by:  ...wouldn't you like to know...  ;)

looking forward to:  going to the cottage this weekend with Doug and Rachel :)  aaaanndd seeing how the dogs interact...should be interesting ;)  Oh, and looking forward to favorite season...apples, chilly nights, pumpkins, beautiful leaves...what's not to love!?

contemplating:  riding my bike to school next year...could I be that teacher?

reading:  Oh man have I been reading!  That is one of the best parts of summer...recently I have enjoyed The Help and I am currently enjoying Cutting for Stone--both great reads!  One on Kindle; one in old-fashioned paperback.

missing:  my brothers...I just saw them, but I wish we all lived closer to each other!  

baking:  delicious muffin bread (a cottage tradition)...maybe I'll share the recipe (stay tuned!)

thinking:  that I can't believe it's almost August...


rachel said...

P! Welcome to the blogging world... never look back. I am ALSO looking forward to Team Snarton Summer Trips, Pt. 2. But more than anything, I am looking forward to future blog posts! Woohooooo!

Catherine VP said...

You need to post some more my friend! Love the blog already. :)