Thursday, July 28, 2011

Must See Thursday!

To coin an advertising phrase from back in the day of Friends (perhaps one of the best sitcoms to hit the air?)...there are some great shows on Thursday nights.

Tonight I may just need to check out the new season of Project just makes me want to shout, "DESIGNERS!"  I'm a sucker for all that drama...

What is your "must see" show?


Hello, readers (or, reader [singular]??)!  P I can't believe that I've joined the world of blogging!  So, in the tradition of my friend who helped me set up this blog (am I so old that I needed help?!), I will share with you a few things about me! :)

recently, i'm...

loving: SUMMER!  and the summer schedule--it rocks. :)

consumed by:  ...wouldn't you like to know...  ;)

looking forward to:  going to the cottage this weekend with Doug and Rachel :)  aaaanndd seeing how the dogs interact...should be interesting ;)  Oh, and looking forward to favorite season...apples, chilly nights, pumpkins, beautiful leaves...what's not to love!?

contemplating:  riding my bike to school next year...could I be that teacher?

reading:  Oh man have I been reading!  That is one of the best parts of summer...recently I have enjoyed The Help and I am currently enjoying Cutting for Stone--both great reads!  One on Kindle; one in old-fashioned paperback.

missing:  my brothers...I just saw them, but I wish we all lived closer to each other!  

baking:  delicious muffin bread (a cottage tradition)...maybe I'll share the recipe (stay tuned!)

thinking:  that I can't believe it's almost August...